Microgreen Grow Like A Pro! - 4 (Reading time: 3 minutes)

microgreen 工作坊及課程 種植資訊

Highlight of this article: 

  • When to harvest Microgreen
  • How to harvest and how to eat Microgreen
  • What to do with growing medium after harvest

When to Harvest Microgreen

Your Microgreen has been growing for two weeks. Their height has reached 7~8cm.
Yes, this is a good time for you to enjoy Microgreen harvest!

But hold on, different variety of Microgreen has different growth rate. Although most Microgreen are ready for harvest within two weeks, there are exception. For example, Red Amaranth or Swiss Chard usually require two weeks from seed sow to germination, so their harvest will surely be later.

羽衣甘藍 微菜苗種子 Kale Microgreen seed

Microgreen of Kale KA01 has beautiful purple vein and pungent spiciness. You may harvest them during this stage, or wait for the first set of true leaf to harvest

Apart from time and height, you want to know the variety well to make a decision on when to harvest. Here are some clues:

All Microgreen varieties can be harvested at cotelydon stage, but some varieties are more flavourful after their first set of true leaf emerged.

香港芫荽微菜苗種子 Hong Kong Coriandr Cilantro microgreen seeds 如何種植微菜苗 How to grow microgreen

Coriander (or Cilantro) will be more flavourful if harvested after the first set of true leaf is fully grown

如何種植微菜苗 How to grow microgreen 鼠尾草種子 Sage seed

Herbs from the Lamiaceae family, such as Sage, Basil, Thai Basil are all best to be harvested after first set of true leaf is fully grown, for their flavour and also their looks!

How to Harvest and How to Eat Microgreen

Consider harvesting Microgreen with a pair of scissors or knife. Harvest the delicate greens 1.5~2cm on top of soil. You may harvest them all at once, or cut the amount according to your need in a few days, but not too many days or the texture and flavour may decrease.

We want to consume the cotelydon and first set of true leaf of Microgreen, therefore Microgreen usually provides only one-time harvest. Having said that, some Microgreen varieties are suitable for growing into mature vegetables. Some growers may save the strongest Microgreen as seedlings and transplant to continue the growth.

To maximise the absorption of nutrients from Microgreen, it is best to eat them raw. However, you may also steam, or cook them in water that is 60~80℃, which can still retain eighty percent of their nutrients.

Most Microgreens are very tangy, especially Brassica Microgreen such as Rocket, Kale, or Radish. By adding nuts and oil, the tanginess can be balanced out, so eating Microgreens with sesame oil or dressing is a good choice!

如何種植微菜苗 How to grow microgreen

Sunflower Microgreen is sweeter than other Microgreens, with a nutty flavour.  They can also balance out the tanginess of Microgreen Radish when eaten together. Add sesame oil or dressing and Bon Appetite!

What to Do with Growing Medium After Harvest

如何種植微菜苗 How to grow microgreen

The roots of Microgreens will cover the whole growing medium

In the first episode of this series, we talked about materials that are suitable for growing Microgreen. No matter if you are using soil potting mix, coco coir, or hemp, you will find that the growing medium is covered by Microgreen's root structure.

Growing medium cannot be reuse immediately, but you can integrate them as part of your compost. That's why if you are already growing a garden, you can grow Microgreen in the most eco-friendly way! 

More on this:

Now that you have finished reading four episodes of Microgreen Grow-Like-A-Pro, you are ready to become a Microgreen grower! If you have no idea where to start, consider our Clover Microgreen Set. Alternatively, you may try the fast-growing Radish No.31, Broccoli Green, or Lacinato Kale Nero di Toscana!

Microgreen Grow Like A Pro! - 1 (Reading time: 5 minutes)

Microgreen Grow Like A Pro! - 2 (Reading time: 3 minutes)

Microgreen Grow Like A Pro! - 3 (Reading time: 3 minutes)


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