Located adjacent to the Pak Sin Leng Country Park, Edmond's farm at Hok Tau is surrounded by hills. Getting off at Hok Tau Pavillion, through the winding paths between farms, pass the bridge, and you will find his paradise. Edmond was too shy to have his photo taken, but when it comes to his crops, his passion never hides.
Edmond's farm at Hok Tau, surrounded by hills of Pat Sin Leng Country Park
Operating a One-Man-Farm
Within this area of approximately 1,400 ㎡ farmland, you will find more than 18 kinds of crops, all taken care by Edmond himself only, except one plot given to his friend for sweet potatoes. If you are growing on open-field, you would know that the bigger the farm requires more labour, but the more varieties that you grow requires more multi-tasking. Yet, Edmond gently explained, 'I love watering with a shower and observing my vegetables at the same time, this helps knowing their conditions.'

Distinctive leaves of Taro and Beet - Touchstone Gold create a harmonic scene. Touchstone Gold is ready in Winter of 2023-2024, and Taro will be ready in 2024 Summer
These vegetables being carefully grown will also be delivered by Edmond himself onto his customers' hands. When we visited in November, the popular Chinese Radish (Early variety) - SL13 and Choi Sum were harvested. Crown Daisy, Late variety Chinese Radish, Beet-Touchstone, and Pak Choi - Hok Du, which is originally a heirloom variety from this area, are all growing healthily. Just before our visit, Edmond was thinning seedlings of Carrot - Kuroda Type. These two years, Edmond has been testing out a routine of growing thin, salad type carrots varieties first, followed by the thick type Carrot - Kuroda Type that is suitable for stew and soup in Winter days. This works very well for his field management and marketing.
End of November, Chinese Radish - SL13 and Choi Sum are providing continous harvest. Edmond's customers love these Late Autumn delights
Pak Choy - Hok Du, originally a heirloom variety from this area. Many leafy greens are growing well in November, such as Lettuce - Seven Wonders, Indian Lettuce, Romaine Lettuce, Spinach and Chinese Cabbage
“I love watering with a shower and observing my vegetables at the same time, this helps knowing their conditions.”
The land here is not only a production base of vegetables for Edmond's customers, but also a place of hands-on experiment for Edmond. When aphids are most severe in early Autumn, Edmond would make chili spray, while also watch out for the timing of fertilising and the balance of N:P:K. When growing Cabbage - Hua Gan, he would use insect nets, but still getting rid of larvae by hand every morning, while using shower to wash away Cabbage Butterfly eggs. Edmond opened a plastic frame, revealing seedlings of 70-days Choi Sum and Chinese Lettuce. 'I didn't use plastic frame for protection before, so seedlings always failed halfway. Now I know this tactic.' In 2023, Edmond is learning how to grow Chayote, Chinese Cabbage, Spinach, and Taro from his neighbouring farmer.

These two years, Edmond has been testing out a routine of growing thin, salad type carrots varieties first, followed by the thick type Carrot - Kuroda Type that is suitable for stew and soup in Winter days
Edmond opened a plastic frame, revealing seedlings of 70-days Choi Sum and Chinese Lettuce
Managing a farm requires much resilience. Pumpkin - MeiMei received very good reviews from Edmond's customers while heavy rain in Autumn destroyed Edmond's planned harvest, but it was fruiting again in Winter. Tomato - Luna was also destroyed by typhoon and heavy rain, but Edmond managed to saved two among the six seedlings planted. From time to time, there is also the problem of boars, thus the extra work of maintaining fences.
A Freewheel Promotion of Organic Vegetables
Edmond says, 'God has led my way throughout the journey of building my own farm. The land is used for growing daily bread, but how much it grows depends on God's decision. I am happy that I can work as my heart desired at my age of 70.'
Edmond started managing this current farm since 2019. His journey into agriculture was a long one. Humble but hale, proactive, you would not believe that Edmond is already in his 70s! What's more, you would not have guessed that he owned PCB circut board factories in Hong Kong and Mainland China, while also participated in opening an organic farm in Maoming that was closed due to high operating and logistic costs.
Despite his interest towards agriculture, Edmond only truely come to touch the earth after his 60s. His experience working at Lohas Organic Farm operated by a Hong Kong NGO, Gingko House, has helped him to accumulate experiences of farm management. From weeding, tilling, ridging, to field management, harvesting, marketing and delivery, Edmond worked with another colleague to manage an area of more than 3000㎡. Edmond's current customers include long-time customers from Gingko House, as well as a few NGOs focusing on the elderly. Edmond feels that the biggest reward of farming is to hear the elderly saying that his vegetables are delicious.
Edmond saved two Tomato-Luna seedlings from black rain signal, in November they started fruiting again
Edmond cultivates his own seedlings, but he also buys seedlings from Clover Seed to allow more time on field management. Eggplant-Purple Judy is one of them,
Edmond is positive, hopeful and always up for challenges, his biggest wish is to let more people enjoy organic vegetables. The year of 2023 marks a new start as Edmond renewed his rental contract of this farm. He is also having a little dream of building a retreat space for the elderly within his farm in the future. As for 2024, Edmond's short term goal is to grow a new batch of pumpkin in the coming Spring.